66 Sorry Quotes To Make Apologizing Easy

In this article, we are a guide to how to say sorry and share some useful I’m sorry quotes for apologise messages.

“An honest sorry can restore broken trust”.

On the incredible journey and evolution of the word sorry from “forgive me” to “I apologise” and now to “pardon me”, we have come across the power that these phrases hold. The word sorry makes it to the list of “words of kindness/words of manners” that people teach their toddlers and kids. The list goes as-thank you, please, sorry, may I, excuse me, etc.

And there is a reason why accepting mistakes and apologizing for them should be taught from a young age. The reason is, the word is as powerful as it is kind. As humans, we tend to make mistakes,no one who has ever lived on the surface of the earth is immune to making mistakes. But what if the mistakes start jeopardizing our relationships, personal or professional? This is when being sorry, taking responsibility for the mistake and promising to never repeat the same comes in handy.

Saying sorry might not right away restore the damage done right away, but it will surely put a bandage on the wound, help it in healing and save it from further pain. It also shows the compassionate, empathetic, and understanding side of your personality.

So here we are bringing to you the best collection of sorry quotes or apology quotes to help you say it with ease:

I’m Sorry Quotes

Sorry Quotes
I’m Sorry Quotes

Sorry Quotes

Sorry Quotes

Sorry Quotes for Her (Girlfriend)

Sorry Quotes for Her

Sorry Quotes for Him (Boyfriend)

Sorry Quotes for Him


We hope you’ve enjoyed these quotes about apologies and the power of saying sorry. While saying sorry makes you a better person, who is strong enough to accept the unintentional mistakes that might have hurt other people, it also makes sure that you never lose your loved ones in your life. You’ll feel better, lighter, and freer if you let guilt and resentment go. So if one of your beloved is hurt from something that you have said or done unknowingly, write a note to them with these quotes and bring back life in your life. Keep reading and sharing.

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