Latest Quotes
100 Confused Quotes To Handle Ups and Downs of Life
Are you also confused about any or many things in your life? In that case, we would like to console…
80 Growing Up Quotes about Changing for the Better
Growing up is something we all are excited for as a child but also regret after growing. It is strange…
100 Stoic Quotes That Will Motivate and Inspire You
What if I tell you that Stoicism will make your life happier? Yes! You have read it right. One who…
150 Smile Quotes To Make Your Day A Little Happier
Smiling may not be the solution to all your problems but undoubtedly smiling is the best way to handle all…
200 Graduation Quotes To Inspire Hope For The Future
Hello Graduates! You have just graduated and now the world seems different to you suddenly. You are an adult now…
100 Failure Quotes To Help You Bounce Back
Have you failed at something you desperately wanted to achieve? I would like to remind you that failure is the…
70 Women Empowerment Quotes To Inspire You
One of the most trending words of our generation is women empowerment. From the start of human civilization, women have…
Months Quotes
70 April Quotes as Beautiful as Spring Flowers
So April is the fourth month of the year and are we already done with the year? We hope not.…
130 Sunset Quotes That Will Change Your Vision
Are you also the kind of person who loves watching sunsets? We belong to the same league then. We have…
70 Perfection Quotes To Help You Reach Your Goals
Nothing is perfect. Everything has flaws. And that is the beauty of our world. Because what would have been the…
85 Prayer Quotes That Will Strengthen Your Faith
The one thing that keeps each one of us going and that keeps our world going is faith. Faith in…