40 Solidarity Quotes To Make Everyone Unite

In solidarity, our power resides. Have you seen The Game of Thrones? If you have, then you know that “The Pack Survives”. And if you have not watched it, then let me tell you that the pack survives, because in solidarity, our power resides. And to make you believe in solidarity more than ever, we have brought these amazing Solidarity Quotes and Sayings; because as we know, a single stick is breakable, but a pack of sticks is unbreakable.

While growing up we listen to a lot of stories on how unity is the best policy. Does not matter whatever the situation is in front of us, if we unite, we can tackle it better. The problems in our society will become easier to conquer if we join hands with everyone around us. A problem in a family can be solved if everyone is included in the positive spirit of bringing out peace. A relationship will only work if both persons participate actively in it.

So basically, solidarity is the basic ingredient in solving any problem anywhere, obviously when the problem includes more than a single person. But even you have a problem of your own, which nobody is a part of, than too, keeping your close ones close during the problem solving might make it easier for you.

So here we have chosen some of the best Solidarity Quotes and Sayings, read on and be united:

Solidarity Quotes

  • “Upon the conduct of each depends the fate of all.” -Alexander The Great
  • “There is no stability without solidarity and no solidarity without stability.” -Jose Manuel Barroso
Solidarity Quotes
Solidarity Quotes
  • “Solidarity between women can be a powerful force of change and can influence future development in ways favourable not only to women but also to men.” -Nawal El-Saadawi
  • “The first step in the evolution of ethics is a sense of solidarity with other human beings.” -Albert Schweitzer
  • “You don’t fight racism with racism, the best way to fight racism is with solidarity.” -Bobby Seale
  • “Solidarity is not a feeling of vague compassion or shallow distress at the misfortunes of so many people, both near and far. On the contrary, it is a firm and persevering determination to commit oneself to the common good; that is to say to the good of all and of each individual because we are all really responsible for all.” -Pope John Paul II
  • “Solidarity was the best thing which happened in the 20th century.” -Mikheil Saakashvili
  • “The most important word in the language of the working class is ‘solidarity.'” -Harry Bridges
Solidarity Quotes
Solidarity Quotes
  • “If someone puts their hands on you make sure they never put their hands on anybody else again.” -Malcolm X
  • “Solidarity and competitiveness are the two sides of a European coin.” -Angela Merkel
  • “You can’t always be demanding solidarity from others and then refuse to show it yourself.” -Martin Schulz
  • “Solidarity is based on the principle that we are willing to put ourselves at risk to protect each other.” -Starhawk
  • “There will be no equity without solidarity. There will be no justice without a social movement.” -Joia Mukherjee

Solidarity Quotes

  • “Solidarity is not an act of charity, but mutual aid between forces fighting for the same objective.” -Samora Machel
  • “A people cannot exist if there is no social solidarity.” -Ariel Sharon
  • “There is no true peace without fairness, truth, justice, and solidarity.” -Pope John Paul II
  • “Solidarity is not discovered by reflection but created.” -Richard M. Rorty
  • “Great opportunities to help others seldom come, but small ones surround us every day.” -Sally Koch

Solidarity Quotes by Sally Koch


  • “The purpose of human life is to serve and to show compassion and the will to help others.” -Albert Schweitzer
  • “With solidarity, you will be more talented and handier, you will be taller and stronger, faster and wiser!” -Mehmet Murat ildan
  • “We must speak our minds openly, debate our disagreements honestly, but always pursue solidarity.” -Donald Trump
  • “He who once became aware of the power of Solidarity and who breathed the air of freedom will not be crushed.” -Lech Walesa

Solidarity Quotes by Lech Walesa

  • “Coming together is a beginning; keeping together is progress; working together is a success.” -Henry Ford
  • “We must indeed all hang together, or, most assuredly, we shall all hang separately.” -Benjamin Franklin
  • “A sense of solidarity among fifteen-to-thirty-year-olds would be a menace to civilized society even in the best of times.” -Steven Pinker
  • “We must learn to live together as brothers or perish together as fools.” -Martin Luther King, Jr.

Solidarity Quotes by Martin Luther King, Jr.


  • “Every human being is called to solidarity in a world battling between life and death.” -Ignacio Ellacuria
  • “It is wonderful to be in solidarity with another big group of people.” -Ruqaiyyah Waris Maqsood
  • “Sometimes we find the sweetest solidarity in the midst of solitude.” -Curtis Tyrone Jones
  • “True solidarity is only possible among the solitary.” -Jose Bergamin

Solidarity Quotes by Jose Bergamin


  • “Sometimes an alien would stand with a moose, not because of solidarity, but because of accidentally doing it.” -Tao Lin
  • “The family is the building block for whatever solidarity there is in society.” -William Ruckelshaus
  • “When the sense of solidarity has been developed to such a point that each one feels the cause of all others as his own, we shall be drawing near to international and to social peace.” -Ellen Key
  • “We respect you, admire you, and we are expressing our full solidarity with the Venezuelan people and your revolution.” -Harry Belafonte
  • “Solidarity members joined in at midnight. There are no formal offers at this point.” -Reint Dykema
  • “Solidarity became the symbol of this fight and a worldwide symbol of freedom.” -Horst Koehler

Solidarity Quotes by Horst Koehler

  • “Nobody likes to be substituted but solidarity with the team always comes first.” -Didier Drogba
  • Today is a day of pain and mourning and solidarity with the families who lost loved ones. -Jose Bono
  • “The solidarity of this administration will hinge upon continued cooperation from all city employees and positive input from the citizens.” -Mayor Espy


In solidarity lie hope, strength, help, and support. So join hands with every positive aspect of your life in solidarity and keep conquering success, peace, and happiness. Have a great day ahead.

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