95 Valentines Day Quotes for Friends and Family

This is not necessary Valentine’s Day is celebrated only with a lover, girlfriend, or boyfriend. And this is a fact about Valentine’s Day is that it’s not just about romantic relationships. You can celebrate it with your friends and family also. But in other words it hard to show your feeling to your friends. So we are here to help you with this work. We have an amazing collection of Valentines Day Quotes for Friends and Family.
Valentine’s Day Week starts on the 7th Feb of every year and ends on 14th Feb and on this day we celebrate Valentine’s Day with love and joy. This day is marked as a symbol of love to express ourselves feeling towards our loving ones including your parents, siblings, and of course your friend.
So, on this Valentine’s Day share your feeling with these Valentine’s Quotes and with some flowers, gifts, and chocolates to your loving ones.
Valentines Day Quotes for Friends
1. “Love is not finding someone to live with; it’s finding someone you can’t live without.” – Rafael Ortiz

2. All you need is love. But a little chocolate now and then doesn’t hurt.” I think friends like you are pretty important too.
3. Rose petals have thorns as their companions. I have you. It’s good to have a friend like you looking out for me.
4. Thanks for being my friend and my Valentine this year!
5. We are each of us angels with only one wing, and we can only fly by embracing one another.” You, my friend, are definitely not an angel. You are my friend, though. Happy Valentine’s Day.
6. “I would rather walk with a friend in the dark than alone in the light.”

7. Friendship improves happiness, and abates misery, by doubling our joys and dividing our grief.
8. You are my Valentine’s Day ally. It’s nice to have a good friend like you on my team.
9. Love comes in all different types. The love of a friend is a valuable treasure. I value our friendship and I’m grateful to have you.
10. Love is our true destiny. We do not find the meaning of life by ourselves alone we find it with another.
11. The best and most beautiful things in the world cannot be seen or even touched. They must be felt with the heart.

12. A heart is not judged by how much you love, but by how much you are loved by others.
13. Love is like the wind, you can’t see it, but you can feel it.”
14. February 14th seems like just as good as any day to tell you that you’re an amazing friend.
15. Life is a flower of which love is the honey.
16. My ideal Valentine’s Day is spending it with someone you are in love with and for that someone to make you feel loved and appreciated.
17. “I love you because the entire universe conspired to help me find you.” – Paulo Coelho
18. “Love is the emblem of eternity: it confounds all notion of time: effaces all memory of a beginning, all fear of an end.” – Germaine De Stael
19. “Love, like a river, will cut a new path whenever it meets an obstacle.” – Crystal Middlemas

20. “I love you, not only for what you are but for what I am when I am with you.” – Roy Croft
21. You are my best friend, my lover, and my favorite confidante. Now, I hope you’ll let me be your Valentine. I love you. – Happy Valentine’s Day
22. Every day that goes by it seems like I discover something new about love, it’s incredible to me how one person can make such a difference in my life. – Happy Valentine’s Day 2022
23. I do not need more tests to find out if your love is what I needed in my life since we changed my life, my girlfriend. Happy Valentine’s My Love.
24. You are a perfect life partner I could ask, You are my true soul mate, In my life, you play the most important part, Because you stay in my heart, Love you, my wife!
25. Each and every day my heart is filled with love for you, but on Valentine’s Day, I just wanted to be sure to let you know it! I love you so very much.
26. Your love has made my life more special and beautiful with your smile and presence. I wish you a happy Valentine’s Day celebration and send my love and care for you.
27. I cannot explain how happy you made me in the day you said that you accepted to be my girlfriend. That afternoon I felt I can touch the stars, I love you.
28. I love you so much that I still remember the taste of our first kiss, the warmth of our first embrace, the perfume you brought that day. Happy Valentine’s Day.
29. I am lucky to have a girlfriend who is beautiful, fun, smart, and crazy enough to go out with me. Happy Valentine’s Day!!
30. Our love is more than just a romantic story. It’s got to be science fiction since no one on Earth could dream of someone as perfect as you up. – Happy Valentine’s Day
31. Love is too weak a word for what I feel for you. One life is too small a time to express how madly I am in love with you. – Happy Valentine’s Day
32. Especially today, I hope you feel how much I love you and how grateful I am to have you in my life. – Happy Valentine’s Day
33. As busy as we get, we need to be reminded that we are still sweethearts. Valentine’s Day is a good day for me to stop and realize how wonderful you make me feel. – Happy Valentine’s Day
34. My sweet Valentine, I promise to behave like a perfect gentleman this year and make sure to give you all you want on this special day, today it’s all about us and our love for each other. I love you! – Happy Valentine’s Day!
35. I can only hope that I make you as half as happy as you make me. My love for you is infinite. Happy Valentine’s Day to the most wonderful woman I’ve ever met. – Happy Valentine’s Day
Valentines Day Messages for Friends
36. You are my dear friend and I love you dearly with all my heart. I wish you a wonderful Valentine’s Day celebration and you get cherished moments of love.

37. Hope he spoils you. You deserve it.
38. Someday, our princes will come.
39. I wish we could be together swapping chocolates and laughing over candy hearts like we used to.
40. I’ll raise an awesome Valentine’s cocktail for you.
41. I don’t need the doctor, you are the medicine that brings happiness to my life. Happy Valentine’s day.
42. I hope you feel loved and appreciated on Valentine’s Day. Because you are my dearest friend.
43. Valentine’s Day is much more fun when I get to spend it with you.
44. Friendship is all about understanding. It is all about forgiving. It is all about fighting and then finding it so hard to stay angry. Moreover, it is about loving unconditionally. Happy Valentine’s day my friend.
45. You are a friend to me, a friend who I would never ever want to lose. I love you more than anything else in this world. Happy Valentine’s day.
46. For my friends and family, I wish you a happy Valentine’s Day celebration and wish you get cherished love filled moments on this special day of love.
47. May you feel a wealth of love this Valentine’s Day.
48. I feel loved this Valentine’s Day knowing that I have you as a friend.
49. You’re my best friend and my best Valentine!
50. Friendship is all about loving your friend. Dearest friend, you are my strongest pillar and greatest strength. Wishing Happy Valentine’s Day to you. Will love you always.
51. Life is incomplete without a dear friend and you are the one who completes me. Sending you warm wishes on the occasion of Valentine’s Day my dear pal.
52. Girlfriends come and go, but brothers are forever! Happy Valentine’s day!
53. Thanks for being my friend and my Valentine this year!
54. Sending warm feelings to a great friend this Valentine’s Day.
55. Today my heart beats out for close friends like you who have been understanding, loyal, and supportive, every step of the way. Happy Valentine’s Day!
56. I cherish the time that we spend together and know that you are a great Valentine.
Valentine’s Day Quotes for Sibling and Family
1) Valentine’s Day Wishes for Brother
57. Lovers may come and go,
but family is forever.
On this day of celebration,
I just want to remind you
that even if you can’t celebrate with romance
you are still surrounded by love.
Happy Valentine’s Day to the best brother.

58. When you were born,
Mom and Dad told me to love you.
When you were older,
I thought I might actually hate you.
As I became an adult,
I realized Mom and Dad were right.
Happy Valentine’s Day, brother.
You’re the best.
59. As long as I can remember
it’s been you and me against the world.
Now that we’re adults,
you’re still the person I call
to remind me of who I was
and who I still want to be.
Happy Valentine’s Day to the best brother ever.
I love you.
60. Dearest Brother,
Thank you for being the kind of man
I can count on when others let me down.
For being a good listener,
and for going out of your way to help me
all those times.
You are my hero,
my champion,
my best friend,
and I love you.
Happy Valentine’s Day
61. Big brother, we weren’t always close.
You liked to tease me when we were little, and
I was absolutely certain you had cooties back then.
But as we grew, the cooties faded. You showed me how
a girl should be treated by being kind to your girlfriends,
and I learned to expect the same. You defended me when I needed it,
and sometimes even when I didn’t deserve it. For this and
a hundred thousand other things, I love you. Happy Valentine’s Day.
62. Little brother, you’ve always been second.
People told you to look up to me.
Secondborn, second to go to school and drive,
second to fall in love and marry.
But when it came to doing things right,
you were always first to figure out
the best way, the lasting way.
For this, I have always looked up to you.
Happy Valentine’s Day
63. To my twin:
From the moment of conception, it’s always been you and me.
We were together in the crib, in play,
starting school, and even in the rough years of middle and high school
it was us against the world.
Now you’re far away, and although you’re not physically close,
I still carry you close to me.
Happy Valentine’s Day to my first best friend.
I love you.
64. When we were little, Mom and Dad said they knew what was best
by making us share a room,
and not allowing the invisible line in the car,
that no stray arm or leg could touch.
By forcing us to spend time together on camping trips
and saying that we would thank them someday.
Now that they are gone,
and you are still here,
I wish that I could thank them
(and even tell them that they were right).
For forcing on me the best friend that I could never have imagined.
Happy Valentine’s Day, Brother.
65. Brother, you are my keeper of secrets:
No one knows my embarrassing stuff as you do.
The buttons that anyone can push to make me crazy,
The things I’m afraid of but don’t want to admit to,
the things I secretly want to do but am afraid I’d fail at,
and the things I’m ashamed of and would take back if I could.
Because you love me anyway,
and root for me even when I’m less than I wish I could be,
I had to tell you how much I love and appreciate you.
Happy Valentine’s Day
67. B is for the boy things you taught me how to play with, even though I was a girl.
R is for the roughhousing that mom always told us to stop doing.
O is for the orphan that you used to tell me I actually was, left at the doorstep.
T is for the tire you came out in the pouring rain to help me change when it went flat.
H is for the home you helped me fix up when I bought one.
E is for even: something we both tried to get as kids.
R is for rare because having such a wonderful brother is exactly that.
Have the happiest of valentine’s days, my wonderful brother.
2) Valentine’s Day Wishes for Sister
68. Through the years you’ve been my confidante and my best friend
The love that we have and the bond that we share means so much
To a fantastic sister who is always there for me no matter what
I’m wishing you the very best on this special Valentine’s Day

69. Growing up with you was so much fun
I remember laughing so hard we cried
Sometimes we would argue and fight
But we would always quickly make up
You’re the best sister anyone could have
Wishing you happiness on Valentine’s Day
70. So many years we’ve had together, great memories we’ve created
Our relationship grows stronger, through good times and bad
A sister’s love, friendship, and support can always be counted on
So on this Valentine’s Day, I’m wishing you every kind of happiness
71. Hearts full of love and joy
Wonderful lasting memories
So much laughter and fun
This is what I think of
When I think of my sister
Happy Valentine’s Day
72. You’re bright and beautiful
Full of joy and laughter
I admire all that you are
So I’m wishing my sister
All the best on Valentine’s Day
73. Valentine’s Day is for showing others just how we feel
Those who have meant so much to us through the years
My wonderful sister is someone I’m so thankful for
Wishing you lots of love on Valentine’s Day and always
74. Remembering our life through the years
Always brings a smile to my face
We were so close, sharing so much
My sister, you are still so dear to me
I’m hoping you have a great Valentine’s Day
75. As high as the sky
As bright as the stars
Is the love of sisters
May we always are this close
Happy Valentine’s Day

76. You’re someone I’ve always looked up to and admired
You’re such an inspiration to everyone who knows you
I can’t thank you enough for all you’ve done for me
To an incredible sister that I’ll always cherish
I’m wishing for you a fantastic Valentine’s Day
77. Although you now live far away
We’re still as close as ever
Sharing secrets and dreams
Laughing and crying together
For a sister who is a best friend
Happy Valentine’s wishes for you
78. The years pass by much too quickly
So many life changes come our way
One thing I can always count on
Is that my sister is always there
Wishing you much love and happiness
On Valentine’s Day and always.
79. Growing up together creates a bond that never dies
It becomes even stronger as time continues to pass
We’ve laughed, we’ve cried, and everything between
On Valentine’s Day, I want you to know how special you are
Wishing my wonderful sister lots of love today and always
80. So many things each of us have experienced
Some things, however, remain constant
Strength, support, and love from my sister
These are things I’ll always cherish
Wishing you much love on Valentine’s Day
81. We shared so much when we were kids
Now that we’re grown and on our own
I don’t see you as often as I’d like
But there’s a special place in my heart
That will always be for my sister
Happy Valentine’s Day wishes to you
82. You’ve done so much for our family. Helped so many through the years. I’m proud of you and all you’ve done. You’re strong, supportive, and caring. Wishing my sister on Valentine’s Day. Much love, joy, and happiness.
83. Let’s celebrate the joys in life. Let’s make many new memories. Hoping to spend time with you. A wonderful sister who means so much. Wishing you a Happy Valentine’s Day

84. Valentine’s Day is a celebration of love, friendship, and happiness
The bond I share with my sister will always be important to me
Letting you know how thankful I am for all we’ve shared together
I’ve appreciated your support, kindness, and love through the years
Happy Valentine’s Day to a fantastic sister who means so much to me.
Valentine’s Day Messages for Family
85. Happy Valentine’s day to my lovely family members. Spending my life with you all is the biggest blessing.
86. Dear family, happy Valentine’s Day. May we keep flourishing with love and happiness. Wishing you a great day ahead.
87. Happy Valentine’s Day dearest family. I am lucky to have you in my life.
88. A family is not important, it is everything.
89. Happy Valentine’s Day. Thank you guys for never leaving the option to usher me with your love and admiration.
90. Family has the power to turn a place into a home. Happy Valentine’s day to you all.
91. You guys are my most valuable treasure and the ones for whom I can fight with the whole world. Happy Valentine’s Day.
92. My family is my valentine since I was born because the kind of love they gave me is exquisite. Happy Valentine’s Day dear family.
93. You do not get to choose your family because they are God’s gift to you just as you are to them.
94. Other things change us, but we always start and end with a family.
95. Families are the compasses that guide us, inspire us, and enable us to reach greater heights.
Valentine’s Day is a reminder that love comes in many forms, and it thrives in the bonds we share with our friends and family. A thoughtful message, a heartfelt quote, or a warm wish can make someone’s day brighter and remind them of how much they’re cherished. So, as you celebrate this day of love, take a moment to express your gratitude and affection to the people who make your life truly special. After all, love is best when it’s shared!
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